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hello has all, to justify our works has our TEAM and has to continue to make live this blog, do not forget to leave comments.large works is provided not this TEAM alor release your comments.especially did not hesitate has to take part in the life of this blog by sending bonds of LP or others.thank you has all and especially with the TEAM.


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lundi 2 juin 2008

George Howard - Very Best Of

1. Dancing In The Sun
2. Baby Come To Me
3. Too Ba
4. Three Minute Warning
5. Cross Your Mind
6. Everything I Miss At Home
7. Stay Here With Me
8. Only Human
9. Love Will Follow
10. Renewal
11. When A Child Smiles


merci a paul pour le lien.
thx paul.

Surface alb.1989 - 2nd Wave

1Shower Me With Your Love
2Closer Than Friends
3Can We Spend Some Time
4You Are My Everything
5I Missed
6Black Shades
7Hold On To Love
8Where'sThat Girl
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bond to send by email, against a condribution.
merci a obti pour le lien.
thx obti.

Full Force alb.1986 - Get Busy One Time!

Title:Get Busy 1 Time! by Full Force new
Side 1:
Temporary Love Thing (5:35)
Unfaithful (5:49)
Never Had Another Lover (4:37)
Old Flames Never Die (4:56)
Child's Play (Part 1) (0:53)
Side 2:
So Much (5:17)
Chain Me To The Night (4:42)
Body Heavenly (5:16)
Love Scene (4:52)
Child's Play (Part 2) (0:44)

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bond to send by email, against a condribution.

merci a obti pour le lien.
thx obti.

Junior alb.1982 - Ji

Ji (lp) Junior
1982 Mercury
Liste des titres :
01 Mama used to say
02 Love dies
03 Too late
04 Is this love
05 Let me know
06 Down down
07 I can't help it
08 Darling you (don't you know)

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bond to send by email, against a condribution.

merci a obti pour le lien.
thx obti.

Shirley & the Company alb.1975 - Shame,Shame,Shame

1. Shame, Shame, Shame (Vocal)
2. Shame, Shame, Shame (Instrumental)
3. Another Tear Will Fall
4. I Guess Things Have To Change
5. Disco Shirley
6. Jim Doc Kay
7. Love Is
8. Cry, Cry, Cry (Vocal)
9. Cry, Cry, Cry (Instrumental)
10. I Gotta Get Next To You
11. Keep On Rolling On

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bond to send by email, against a condribution.

merci a gil pour le lien.
thx gil.

Martin Circus alb.1979 - Shine Baby Shine

Shine Baby Shine Martin Circus
1979 Derby
Liste des titres :
1) Number One Woman
2) Calling Time
3) Each Day
4) I've Got A Treat
5) Shine Baby Shine
6) Happy Ending
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bond to send by email, against a condribution.
merci a luis pour le lien.
thx luis.